What to Expect

We currently meet for Sunday worship service at Westview Baptist Church (24551 W. Black Road, Shorewood, IL, 60404). We meet at 1:30pm, and services are typically 90 minutes. You can park anywhere in the lot, then enter through the double doors at the front of the building. Feel free to join us at 1pm for fellowship and refreshments!

Our worship services are simple, full of Scripture, and focused on Christ. We open with announcements and prayer, then a call to worship read from the Psalms. We sing Psalms and hymns from hymnals, read a passage of Scripture together as a congregation, and confess our faith from one of the historic creeds and confessions like the Apostles’ Creed or Baptist Catechism. We have an extended time of pastoral prayer in each service. Our preaching is expository and Christ-centered, typically studying through books of the Bible chapter by chapter. You can find our order of service posted on our social media a few days beforehand each week.

We are a friendly group of people who like to stick around for a bit after service to chat and catch up. If you’re visiting for the first time, we would love some time to get to know you! We don’t focus much on what people wear; some wear their Sunday best and others come in flip-flops. Just wear what is comfortable for you and not distracting to others.